“Nova Logic Company” Ltd. – informs you that some of the data voluntarily provided through the contact form on the site are personal and fall under a special protection regime in the sense of Regulation 2016/679 and the Personal Data Protection Act. The provided personal data will be processed to achieve legally permitted purposes and to realize the legitimate interests of the personal data administrator. “Nova Logic Company” Ltd. processes, stores, and uses the voluntarily provided personal data within the legally regulated terms, guaranteeing their security and confidentiality. We inform you and you agree that “Nova Logic Company” Ltd. provides personal data to state bodies and institutions, or third parties, when there is such an obligation under the law, or it is necessary to realize your rights and legitimate interests as a participant in the selection and for the possible, future establishment of an employment relationship. In compliance with the internal rules of “Nova Logic Company” Ltd., you have the right to access and the right to correct your data, the right to be deleted, as well as the right to object to the processing, provision, and disclosure of your data for other than here the stated objectives.
За да сме успешни, в нашия бранш не спираме да следим пазарните тенденции, очакванията и потребностите на нашите клиенти